SÅNT ÄR LIVET i Sverige!
Jag heter Liisa Uusimaki och Podden handlar om samtal om livets utmaningar i Sverige, inom olika områden, som utbildning, skolan, vården, kultur och ja, en hel del annat. In English, this podcast ‘Sånt är livet in Sweden!, roughly translated into English is ‘That‘s Life in Sweden!‘. The podcast is about conversations with different individuals reflections and experiences working, or studying in different areas e.g., education, health care, business, community etc. Both Swedish and English episodes are presented.

Sånt är livet i Sverige! (or That's life in Sweden)
Welcome to this podcast exploring life as an educator, teacher, researcher, author, mentor, supervisor, and postgraduate not only in Sweden but also internationally. The individuals invited to these conversations are experts from different areas in public or private life, e.g. government, education, health care, business, or community and share a passion, commitment, and love for their work that make each episode truly a unique listening experience. Enjoy.

Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
Hello Colleagues and LinkedIn Friends,
I am sure most of you are a bit like me, that is, I do NOT WANT TO TALK ABOUT MY CV and guess what I do not NEED to. Do have a listen to a deep dive where two presenters present yours truly BRILLIANTLY - all I did was I uploaded my CV on NotebookLM,and VOILA - I was IMPRESSED WITH ME, the presenters PRONOUNCED some Swedish words wrong but hey, so what, they did a great job.
ok I added the music and did a bit of editing. BUT that part was fun - Those of you who know me will recognize some of the work I have been involved in, and all the brilliant students THANK YOU - Gosh I sound GREAT. HAVE A HAPPY REST OF THE WEEK / Liisa

Thursday Jan 16, 2025
Thursday Jan 16, 2025
Today's guest on Sånt är livet i Sverige or That's life in Sweden ! is the Secretary General Magnus Jägerskog for BRIS a Swedish Children's rights organisation. Magnus holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Stockholm University. Since the early 2000s, he has held various leadership positions within the nonprofit sector as well as in state-owned enterprises.
Between 2011 and 2016, Magnus served as the CEO of IQ, a subsidiary of Systembolaget. Prior to that, he worked as the Head of Marketing and Communications at the Friends organization.
Since 2016, Magnus has been the Secretary General of BRIS (Children’s Rights in Society), advocating for children's rights and well-being in Sweden.
Contact: Magnus Jägerskog
BRIS website
bris.se (Company)
Altinget - Articles written by and about Magnus Jägerskog with Sofia Walan in Swedish
Dagens människa, avsnitt 136 (Nov 18, 2024) Magnus Jägerskog (36:10min) In Swedish.
RF-SISU Skåne (Feb 13, 2023) Intervju Magnus Jägerskog, Generalsekreterare BRIS (5:38min) in Swedish
Equmeniakyrka (Oct 2020) Magnus Jägerskog. Vetekornsdagar (21:09min) in Swedish

Thursday Jan 09, 2025
Thursday Jan 09, 2025
Sweden's Breast Cancer Association's membership pledge states: "No one should have to face breast cancer alone." Alexandra Uusimäki, chairperson of the Breast Cancer Association Johanna Gothenburg, Sweden, contributes greatly to ensuring that the pledge is upheld.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in Sweden, affecting over 9,000 individuals annually. The chances of being cured have increased over recent decades. Today, 9 out of 10 women survive breast cancer, largely due to earlier detection and advancements in research. This progress is also thanks to passionate individuals like Alexandra, whose tireless dedication has led to informing thousands of people about how to perform self-examinations on their breasts.
Alexandra's commitment further involves staying updated on new treatments, following international research, and influencing guidelines and decisions as a member of the management team at Sahlgrenska Hospital – the only hospital in Sweden certified at the European level for breast cancer care.
"My most important role is probably to see the bigger picture, to connect our operations with healthcare by informing decision-makers, politicians, and working with companies willing to support us. If not with financial contributions, then for example by providing conference spaces or gym memberships," she says.
Summer 2024 marked ten years since Alexandra was diagnosed with breast cancer. Today, she is cancer-free and dedicates her efforts to helping others who are affected. This is especially evident in her voluntary role as the chairperson of the Breast Cancer Association Johanna Gothenburg, which was founded back in 1979 as one of the first local breast cancer associations in the country.
Through events and communication initiatives, the membership has grown by 17 percent in just under two years since Alexandra assumed the role of chairperson. Today, the association has 720 members.
Alexandra is described as an individual who never gives up in the fight against one of the toughest diseases and who, in her role as a patient advocate at Breast Center West, does not hesitate to fight from a patient perspective. When she was diagnosed herself, she experienced how difficult it was to understand and absorb everything on her own. Now, she is passionate about helping others affected by this deadly disease. She also spreads knowledge that can lead to more cases being detected early, which saves lives.
Alexandra was awarded the title of ELDSJÄL of the Year 2024 at Folkspel's Eldsjäl Gala at Cirkus in Stockholm on Thursday, April 11. Alexandra Uusimäki, being a finalist, received a personal scholarship of 10,000 SEK, an additional 15,000 SEK for winning, and 50,000 SEK towards a specific project.
Sveriges Bröstcancerföreningar har ett medlemslöfte som lyder: ”Ingen ska behöva vara ensam med sin bröstcancer”. Alexandra Uusimäki, ordförande för Bröstcancerföreningen Johanna Göteborg bidrar i allra högsta grad till att se till att det löftet efterlevs.
Bröstcancer är den vanligaste cancersjukdomen bland kvinnor i Sverige där drygt 9000 drabbas om året. Möjligheterna att bli botad har ökat de senaste årtiondena. Idag överlever 9 av 10 sin bröstcancer. Mycket beroende på att fler fall upptäcks i tid och att forskningen går framåt. Också tack vare eldsjälar som Alexandra, som med ett outtröttligt engagemang sett till att informera tusentals personer om hur man själv undersöker sina bröst. Hennes engagemang innebär dessutom att hålla sig ajour med nya behandlingar, att följa forskning internationellt, att som ingående i styrgruppen på Sahlgrenska – det sjukhus i Sverige som är certifierat på Europanivå gällande bröstcancer – påverka riktlinjer och beslut.
"Min viktigaste roll är väl att se det stora perspektivet, att knyta ihop vår verksamhet via kontakt med vården, genom att informera beslutfattare, politiker, att bearbeta företag som vill vara med och stödja oss. Om inte i likvida medel exempelvis genom att upplåta konferensutrymmen eller gymkort".
Sommaren 2024 var det tio år sedan Alexandra drabbades av bröstcancer. I dag är hon cancerfri och verkar för att hjälpa andra som drabbas. Inte minst i sin ideella roll som ordförande i Bröstcancerföreningen Johanna Göteborg, vilken startade redan 1979 som en av de första lokala bröstcancerföreningarna i landet. Genom events och kommunikationsinsatser har medlemsantalet ökat med 17 procent på knappt två år och sedan Alexandra tog över som ordförande. I dag uppgår medlemsantalet till 720.
Alexandra beskrivs som en individ som aldrig ger sig i kampen mot den tuffaste av sjukdomar och som inte tvekar i rollen som patientföreträdare i Bröstcentrum Väst att strida utifrån ett patientperspektiv. Då hon själv drabbades märkte hon det svårt i att förstå och ta in allt på egen hand. Nu brinner hon för att hjälpa andra som drabbats av den dödliga sjukdomen. Hon sprider dessutom kunskaper som kan leda till att fler upptäcker sjukdomen i tid, vilket räddar liv.
Alexandra tilldelades priset årets eldsjäl inom kategori hälsa på Folkspels Årets eldsjälsgala på Cirkus i Stockholm torsdagen den 11:e april. Utöver äran får Alexandra Uusimäki som finalist ett personligt stipendium på 10 000 kronor, ytterligare 15 000 kronor i personligt stipendium för vinsten samt 50 000 kronor till ett specifikt projekt.
Alexandras Profile
Facebook (in Swedish)
Bröstcancer - Vikten av tidig upptäckt (45:45min) Conversation style interviewer Fanny Uddman. In addition to Alexandra, the program include Swedens Breast Cancer Organisation’s General Secretary Marit Jenset.
Radio (in Swedish)
Swedens Radio P4 (2024) Brist på läkare – då stryks kontroll efter bröstcanceroperation
Articles (in Swedish)
Berntsson, J. (2025/2026) Skulle förstora bröst – mot hennes vilja. https://www.expressen.se/gt/skulle-forstora-brost--mot-hennes-vilja/
Bröstcancerförbundet (2024). Alexandra Uusimäki är årets eldsjäl https://brostcancerforbundet.se/aktuellt/alexandra-uusimaki-vinnare-av-arets-eldsjal-inom-kategori-halsa/

Friday Dec 13, 2024
Friday Dec 13, 2024
Meet Dr Sanna Brauer a Researcher and Trainer in Teacher Professional Development at the University of Tampere Finland. Sanna's expertise is on the use and development of Digital Open Badges in teaching and learning. She has published numerous scientific articles and books addressing competence-based learning and the impact of digital badges on motivation and learning outcomes. Her doctoral dissertation was the first to explore the use of badges in learning processes.
Brauer’s publications include guides and studies that concentrate on the development of digital pedagogy. Additionally, she has conducted systematic literature reviews on competence-oriented higher education and students’ perceptions of the skills required in the workforce. Her academic publications often focus on digital learning environments and lifelong learning through digital badges at different levels of education
She has also been involved in various national and international projects, such as MEDigi, which focuses on the digitalization of Finnish medical education, and the Smart Campus RDI network, which promotes innovation and business development in Finnish universities.
Sanna’s Profile
Brauer, S., Kettunen, J., Levy,A., Merenmies, J., & Kulmalaet, P. (2023) The Educational Paradigm Shift— A Phenomenographic Study of Medical Teachers’ Experiences of Practices. BMC Medical Education. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-023-04013-w
Brauer, S. & Korhonen, A. (2022). 360-Degree View of Digital Open Badge-Driven Learning. In D. Piedra (Ed.), Innovations in the Design and Application of Alternative Digital Credentials (pp. 95-130). IGI Global Scientific Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-7697-7.ch005
Brauer, S. (2021). Towards competence-oriented higher education: a systematic literature review of the different perspectives on successful exit profiles. Education + Training, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/ET-07-2020-0216
Brauer, S., Ratinen, I., Kumpulainen, K., Kyrö-Ämmälä, O., Nikander, L., & Väänänen, I. (2021). Agency, expertise and working life skills : Students’ conceptions of the generic competences required in the world of work. European Journal of Education Studies, 8(5).https://doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v8i5.3710
Brauer, S., Ruhalahti, S., Hallikainen, V., (2018). Digital professional learning: triggers in an online badge-driven process. Education in the North, 25(1-2), pp. 64-86.
Brauer S. Kettunen J. Hallikainen V. (2018). “Learning Online” for vocational teachers— Visualisation of competence-based-approach in digital open badge-driven learning.The Journal of Professional and Vocational Education: Vocational Education and Training in the Nordic Countries, 20(2), 13–29.

Tuesday Nov 26, 2024
Tuesday Nov 26, 2024
Meet Prof Fariborz Zelli whose work and interest is on interlinkages between climate change, biodiversity, human rights, trade and security – both on a global scale and locally with a focus on Latin America and the Amazon.
His concerns links to today’s international relations, which is a growing degree of institutional fragmentation and complexity. Based on ongoing regulation and legalization processes that have led to material and functional overlaps between political institutions. This institutional fragmentation matters: it alters aspects of power, justice legitimacy and effectiveness of governance processes.
Professor Fariborz’s projects involve investigating the degree, causes and consequences of institutional fragmentation for global environmental governance. This includes, for instance, our Lund-based NAVIGOV project with its focus on climate engineering and reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD). His many research interests also include overlaps between climate, trade and security governance; the Anthropocene; environmental peacebuilding; and the legitimacy of global governance.
Fariborz’s Profile
Zelli, F, Gerrits, L., Möller, I., & Widerberg,O. (2023), Institutional Complexity and Political Agency in Polycentric Governance', (in Frank Gadinger, and Jan Aart Scholte (eds), Polycentrism: How Governing Works Today) Oxford Academics, https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780192866837.003.0004,
Zelli, F., Droste, N., Alkan Olsson, A., Hanson, H., Knaggård, Å., Lima G., Lundmark, L., & Thoni, T. (2022). A global overview of biodiversity offsetting governance. Journal of Environmental Management 316 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.115231
Sommerer, T., Agne, H., Zelli, F., & Bes, B.(2022) Global Legitimacy Crises - Decline and Revival in Multilateral Governance Decline and Revival in Multilateral Governance. Oxford University Press ISBN: 9780192856326 DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780192856326.001.0001
Edited volumes:
Environmental Politics and Governance in the Anthropocene (Routledge, 2016).
Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Governance and Politics (Elgar, 2015).
A special issue with Global Environmental Politics (2013).
Global Climate Governance beyond 2012 (Cambridge University Press, 2010).

Tuesday Nov 19, 2024
Tuesday Nov 19, 2024
In this episode meet Professor João Mattar, a specialist in distance education with the Catholic University of Sao Paulo in Brazil. João is also the President of ABED - Brazilian Distance Education Association that is a member of the Brazilian Society for the Development of Science - SBPC and is affiliated to international institutions including the International Council for Open and Distance Education – ICDE.
He is recognized internationally as Chair in Distance Education (CUED) of the National University of Distance Education (UNED) of Spain, for his expertise at the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES) of Portugal and he is a Member of the International Board of Advisors of the UNESCO.
João’s Profile
Facebook: joaomattar
Twitter: joaomattar
Professor João Mattar, a specialist in distance education with the Catholic University of Sao Paulo in Brazil. Jaou is also the President of ABED - Brazilian Distance Education Association that is a member of the Brazilian Society for the Development of Science - SBPC and is affiliated to international institutions including the International Council for Open and Distance Education – ICDE.
International Specialist at the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES) of Portugal Chair in Distance Education (CUED) of the National University of Distance Education (UNED) of Spain as well as a Member of the International Board of Advisors of the UNESCO.
Leaders and legends of Online Learning – interview by Mark Nichols, April 2024 (28.45min)
Mattar, J., Santos, C. C., & Cuque, L. M. (2022). Analysis and comparison of international digital competence frameworks for education. Education Sciences, 12(12), 932. https://www.mdpi.com/2227-7102/12/12/932
Ramos, D. K., Anastácio, B. S., Da Silva, G. A., Rosso, L. U., & Mattar, J. (2023). Burnout syndrome in different teaching levels during the covid-19 pandemic in Brazil. BMC Public Health, 23(1), 235. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s12889-023-15134-8
Baxto da Silva, W., Amaro, R., & Mattar, J. (2019). Distance education and the Open University of Brazil: History, structure, and challenges. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 20(4), 99-115. https://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/4132
Mattar, J. (2020). Active Methodologies in Distance Education: literature review. Rev. Bras. Aprend.Aberta. I: e388. https://seer.abed.net.br/RBAAD/article/view/549/372

Wednesday Aug 28, 2024
Wednesday Aug 28, 2024
Meet Dr. Panteha Bigdeli, an innovative entrepreneur and CEO behind AuraDent. As a highly skilled and compassionate dentist, Dr. Bigdeli is dedicated to transforming smiles with the latest advancements in orthodontic care. With dual degrees in Dentistry and a Master of Science in Dental Surgery from Malmö University in Sweden, she brings a wealth of expertise to her practice.
Dr. Bigdeli is deeply committed to providing top-notch patient care, with a special focus on Invisalign treatment. Recognizing the transformative potential of this cutting-edge aligner system, she has honed her skills to master the art of Invisalign, ensuring her patients receive the best possible outcomes.
In her discussions, Dr. Bigdeli emphasizes the rapid technological advancements that have made dental visits more efficient and less painful. She also underscores the importance of open communication with your dentist about any fears or anxieties related to treatment.
In Sweden, where dental check-ups are mandatory for children aged 3 to 18, Dr. Bigdeli expresses concern about parents who suffer from dental anxiety themselves. She advises that parents with such anxieties consider having another family member or friend accompany their child to these appointments, as parental fears can easily be transferred to the child.
Dr. Bigdeli also addresses the common reasons why adults, particularly the elderly, tend to avoid regular dental check-ups. She notes that feelings of shame over poor oral care and concerns about the costs of dental visits often prevent people from seeking the care they need.
This is an episode you simply can't miss, and I promise that after listening, your next visit to the dentist will feel a lot less daunting. So, get comfortable with a cup of coffee (maybe use a straw?) or tea, and enjoy the conversation.
See Profile Panthea Bigdeli

Friday Aug 23, 2024
Friday Aug 23, 2024
In this episode, I am joined by criminologist and former New South Wales Police detective, Vincent Hurley. Vincent delves into his remarkable career, which includes roles as a police officer, police hostage negotiator, and Detective at Mount Druitt and Penrith, where he investigated serious crimes such as domestic homicides, sexual assaults, serious (non-sexual) assaults, home invasions, and local drug distribution, among others.
He shares his journey from policing to criminology and discusses the six key motivators for committing crimes. Vincent is well-known for his outspoken views, particularly his criticism of Australian politicians on the Q+A program, where he argued that domestic violence is not sufficiently addressed because it's seen as politically inconvenient. He also offers his perspective on why he questions the current approach to women's shelters and why, in his view, it’s the perpetrator who should be removed from the home, not the victim.
This 60-minute episode is a must-listen, so grab a cup of coffee or tea, settle in, and enjoy. I deeply appreciate you sharing this important episode widely, and I encourage you to discuss, and join the conversation—comments and questions are always welcome.
Take care of yourself and Have a GREAT WEEKEND / Liisa
About Vincent Hurley
Macquarie University Department of Security Studies and CriminologyFaculty of ArtsEmail: vincent.hurley@mq.edu.au
Vince’s PhD was into the Financialisation of Policing in the UK from 2010 – 2020. He drew on the theoretical work of Foucault, O’Malley, Freud, North, Dean and neoliberalism (Thatcherism).
Other degrees; Masters, Business Administration; Bachelor, Criminology & Psychology; Graduate Diploma, University Teaching and Learning and Graduate Certificate, Emergency Management.
Research interests: The financialisation of policing; Police use of force, lethal and less than lethal force police shootings and use of tasers; Suicide by Cop; Policing domestic violence; Policing mental health; Police hostage negotiations; Drugs and drug crime, domestic and transnational; Police Pursuits.
ABC News (Australia)
https://www.youtube.com › NewsOnABC › community
5 May 2024 — Criminologist and former NSW Police detective Vincent Hurley, who went viral lecturing politicians on Q+A, says there are immediate ...
'How dare you': The ex-cop who lectured politicians on ...
ABC - Australian Broadcasting Corporation
https://www.abc.net.au › news › vincent-hurley-domesti...

Thursday Aug 08, 2024
Thursday Aug 08, 2024
In today's episode, I speak with Jarno Leppänen, a former Finnish teacher now working in London. Our conversation revolves around Jarno's Master’s Thesis, which explores the perspectives of a small group of fashion professionals on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), Sustainable Development (SD), and sustainability in fashion. Jarno argues that these terms, need to be simplified to make sense as currently they are complex and difficult to understand. Being part of a UN agenda, Jarno suggest that they may have adverse effects not only on individual fashion designers but also on teachers and speculates this could be a reason why Finland is underperforming in various international assessments. Jarno also shares his thoughts on the pros and cons of fast fashion and artificial intelligence.
This episode is a must-listen for anyone confused about ESD, SD, and sustainability. Experts in the field are also encouraged to listen and to share thoughts / comments. Thank you for SHARING WIDELY
Suggested websites for further reading:
UNESCO – Education for Sustainable Development https://www.unesco.org/en/sustainable-development/education
United Nations – Make the SDS a Reality https://sdgs.un.org/

Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
Meet former Event Project Manager and career changer Karin Hellman. In a 2022 podcast episode, Karin shared her initial fears beginning studies in Structural Engineering at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm as a mature-aged student. She has recently successfully completed the degree. As part of her academic journey, she chose to spend 2023 studying at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. In this episode, hear her talk about the differences between studying in Australia and Sweden along with her experiences traveling in Australia and New Zeeland.
This is a wonderful and positive conversation especially valuable for students or career changer who might be unsure about studying abroad, meeting new people, and experiencing a different culture. Please enjoy, discuss, debate, and comment. Most importantly THANK YOU FOR SHARING WIDELY, / Take care Liisa