SÅNT ÄR LIVET i Sverige!

Jag heter Liisa Uusimaki och Podden handlar om samtal om livets utmaningar i Sverige, inom olika områden, som utbildning, skolan, vården, kultur och ja, en hel del annat. In English, this podcast ‘Sånt är livet in Sweden!, roughly translated into English is ‘That‘s Life in Sweden!‘. The podcast is about conversations with different individuals reflections and experiences working, or studying in different areas e.g., education, health care, business, community etc. Both Swedish and English episodes are presented.

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Sånt är livet i Sverige! (or That's life in Sweden)

Welcome to this podcast exploring life as an educator, teacher, researcher, author, mentor, supervisor, and postgraduate not only in Sweden but also internationally.  The individuals invited to these conversations are experts from different areas in public or private life, e.g. government, education, health care, business, or community and share a passion, commitment, and love for their work that make each episode truly a unique listening experience. Enjoy. 


Sunday Aug 13, 2023

In this episode, I have the privilege to speak with Jane Elliott (via landline), lecturer, diversity trainer, & speaker. For those not familiar with Jane Elliott’s work, she is an internationally known author of the book, A Collar in My Pocket Blue-eyed, Brown-eyed Exercise (2016) based on her work as a third-grade teacher in 1968, Riceville, Iowa, USA. 
Hear Jane Elliott talk openly and without apologies about her work on RACISM, DIVERSITY, EQUITY, WOMEN’s ISSUES, BULLYING, EDUCATION, and THE CURRENT SITUATION IN THE US. She is a truth-teller extraordinaire and exposes prejudices and bigotry for what it is, “an irrational class system based upon purely arbitrary factors. And if you think this does not apply to you. . . you are in for a rude awakening”. (https://janeelliott.com/)
Yes, she shares also her thoughts about the difference between a Teacher and an Educator, problems with today's curriculum, teaching dyslexia, and well, so much MORE.
PLEASE SHARE, DISCUSS, DEBATE, COMMENT, AND ENJOY - Take care and remember to be KIND / Liisa 
You find an untold amount of YouTube clips of Jane Elliott. She has been a guest and a speaker in all major talk shows and platforms in the US and abroad. Today, she is continuing being a sought after speaker and shares platforms with many brilliant American academics.
Elliott, J. (2016). A Collar in My Pocket Blue-eyed, Brown-eyed Exercise. Available Amazon.com.
Elliott, J. (2016). A Collar in My Pocket Blue-eyed, Brown-eyed Exercise (in Sweden) Adlibris.
See Jane Elliott's Reading List for Unlearning Prejudice https://radicalreads.com/jane-elliott-favorite-books/
You Tube
Anti-racist educator Jane Elliott blasts white racists for criticizing Black Mermaid, 2022 (28:18min) Roland Martin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ks7I1BnP2g
No Such Thing As White & Black People: Jane Elliott Says Drama Persists If We Keep Using Those Terms, 2021 (11.31min) Roland Martin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEKNpV5BovE
Jane Elliott's Brown Eye/Blue Eye Test - University of Northern Iowa 2020 (4:39) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTYL7NK8j5Y
Jane Elliott's "Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes" Anti-Racism Exercise | The Oprah Winfrey Show | OWN, 1992
A Conversation on Race and Privilege with Angela Davis and Jane Elliott (2018) (1;42;39) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0jf8D5WHoo
Anthony Browder - Nile Valley Contributions to civilization (2013). (1.10.11min)

Friday Aug 11, 2023

In this episode I am speaking with Associate Professor Pauline Bremner Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Teaching Excellence Fellow at RGU, the Scottish University of the Year 2020, skilled in Coaching, Fashion/Retail, Customer Service, Lecturing, and Strategy. Strong educational professional with a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) focused on Marketing and Consumer Behaviour from Robert Gordon University. An Auroran of the Advance HE Leadership Foundation and an ILM 3 and 5. Recipient of an RGU Extra-Curricular ‘Star’ Award 2020. Co-creator of the RGU Innovation Award developed from SISA, the Scottish Student Innovation Award.
She welcomes you to contact her via her linkedin page,- linkedin.com/in/drpaulinebremner
Her RGU profile can be found here https://rgu-repository.worktribe.com/person/184724/pauline-bremner/outputs

Monday Jul 10, 2023

Meet and hear Jane Caro AM a Walkley Award winning Australian columnist, author, novelist, broadcaster, documentary maker, feminist icon, and social commentator. Jane spent 35 years as an award-winning copywriter and 7 years teaching Advertising Creative in the School of Communication Arts at Western Sydney University.
This amazing woman is familiar to Australian audiences appearing frequently on Q&A, The Drum, Sunrise and Weekend Sunrise. She has created and presented three documentary series for the ABC’s Compass, with another in production. A frequent ad hoc columnist, she writes regular columns for Sunday Life and Leadership Matters.
The Mother (2022) Allen & Unwin
Accidental Feminist (2019) Goodreads
Just Flesh and Blood (2018) Goodreads
"Unbreakable" Women Share Stories of Resilience and Hope (2017), Penguin Books
Jane Caro in conversation with Kate Evans | The Mother – A domestic thriller with a moral dilemma. - Mar 15, 2022 (56,21min) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jynt-BJuj0
Jane Caro for Reason - 15 May 2022 (2.01min) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4hMe39q2iw

Thursday May 18, 2023

Distorted Male Identity, 
Meet and Hear Erik Melander, Professor of Peace and Conflict Research and the Director of the Alva Myrdal Centre for Nuclear Disarmament at Uppsala University, Sweden. Erik explains what he refers to as distorted masculinity ideals and war, the relationship between armed violence and patriarchal values, violence against women, young men syndrome, solutions, and much more.
Erik’s Profile
Erik Melander University of Uppsala, https://www.katalog.uu.se/profile/?id=AA106
Excellent Article:
Stefano Cisternino (17 June, 2021) Meet Erik Melander: Exploring The Feminist Gap And Stripping War Of Its Glory - ACUME
BJARNEGÅRD, E., ENGVALL, A., JITPIROMSRI, S., Melander, E. (2022) Armed Violence and Patriarchal Values: A Survey of Young Men in Thailand and Their Military Experiences American Political Science Review, 1-15 2022.DO
Bjarnegård, E., Brounéus, K., & Melander, E. (2021). Violent Boyhoods, Masculine Honor Ideology, and Political Violence: Survey Findings from Thailand. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(15–16), 7136–7160. https://doi.org/10.1177/0886260519832926
Bjarnegård, E., Melander, E., True, J. (2020) Women, Peace, and Security: The Sexism and Violence Nexus (Joint Brief Series: New Insights on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) for the Next Decade) 2020.
Dec 9, 2022 (in Swedish, 1:15:21min) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QddpwXRhr6Y
Erik Melander: Skeva manlighetsideal och krig (Distorted Masculinity Ideals and War)
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022 (in Swedish, 27:35min)
Avsnitt 5: Erik Melander om kärnvapennedrustning https://www.uu.se/nyheter/rektorspodden/

Friday May 12, 2023

In this hour-long episode meet and hear Li Bennich-Björkman, Professor at the Institute for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Uppsala University here in Sweden talk about her experiences in academia. She talks about the challenges facing her fears as she applied in 2007 and became the first female professor at the Department of Government at Uppsala University, and in the following year she became the first woman appointed as Skyttean Professor of Eloquence and Government. This appointment meant that together with her family she was provided with an official residence in the 18th century building called Skytteanum in Uppsala, Sweden, where she still resides today.
Hear her share her thoughts about the madness of the war between Putin and his cronies representing Russia and Ukraine. What will it take for peace to happen between Russian and Ukraine and why is Ukraine important to Russia?
Her passion for history and especially about the Baltic states is fascinating to listen to. She talks about the importance of NATO and reasons why Ukraine never joined NATO while Baltic countries such as Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia did already in 2004. She shares her thoughts about why Sweden’s NATO application is still on hold.
She shares her concern about how Russian propaganda has been found in one of Sweden’s largest newspapers and her concerns about academic freedom here in Sweden.
For more information about this brilliant academic please note the references below.
Researcher Profile:
Li Bennich-Björkman https://www.katalog.uu.se/profile/?id=xx3449
Li Bennich-Björkman: Academic freedom fighter  (22 May 2018) https://www.uu.se/en/news/article/?id=13548&typ=artikel#:~:text=The%20Skyttean%20Professorship%20is%20probably,an%20internationally%20renowned%20political%20scientist.
Bennich-Björkman, Li., & Sergiy Kurbatov (2019). When the future came: the collapse of the Soviet Union and the emergence of national memory in post-Soviet history textbooks. Ibidem-Verlag
Bennich-Björkman, Li (2017) Post-Soviet Developments: Reflections on Complexity and Patterns of Political Orders. Debatte, ISSN 0965-156X, E-ISSN 1469-3712
Bennich-Björkman, Li (2017) Academic leadership: Embracing uncertainty and diversity by building communication and trust. Handbook of research on leadership and creativity, 419-434
Bennich-Björkman, L. (2017) Sörja ett liv, leva ett annat: om flyktingens mörker och ljus (‘Mourning one life, living another: on the refugee’s darkness and light’) Appell Förlag, Sverige.
The book builds on interviews Li and other researchers conducted over a period of 20 years, among the Estonians who came to Sweden in 1944 and among the Bosnians who fled the war in the Balkans in the early 1990s.
(14 March 2022) English (1:34min)
Li Bennich-Björkman, Johan Skytte Professor in political science, Uppsala University, Uppsala,Sweden – message from Swedish Academic Community. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHRY0RrpNTs
(11 December, 2018) English (15:56min)
Why Academic Freedom Matters – Li Bennich-Björkman -TedUniversity Luxemburg (15.56min)) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9DazNWjouU
(28 October, 2022) Swedish (1:17:09min)
Li Bennich-Björkman: Varför så olika? Ukraina och Baltikums sovjetiska år och vägen till pluralism –Arrangerat av CEMUS, Centrum för miljö- och utvecklingsstudier vid Uppsala unversitet och SLU, Folkuniversitetet i Uppsala och Stadsbibliotek Uppsala.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkeRP-9Htl8&t=3576s
(20 September 2020) Swedish (43:37min)
Li Bennich-Björkman: Sörja ett liv, leva ett annat. Folkrörelsearkivet för Uppsala län. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9v4Ocxt3uMY
( 24 Maj, 2021) Swedish (33:24min)
6 Majsymposium 2019 Forskarens och lärarens friheter Li Bennich Björkman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qh8Nv0VC2VE

Wednesday Apr 26, 2023

Meet Dr. Heather Morgan, Dean for Enterprise and Innovation at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, with over 15 years of experience in university research and teaching. Heather is a multidisciplinary social scientist passionate about learning, as reflected in the many areas she has studied during her university study. Her formal training spans law, French language, forensic medicine, philosophy, gender studies, social research, sociology, criminology, and health services research.
Heather has received multiple prize-winning public engagements with research experts and collaborates with numerous commercial, not-for-profit, and other sector partners. She facilitates knowledge exchange projects and has been involved in various start-up and spin-out activities. She is also leading in the scale-up of Aberdeen University’s work-based learning for all students in line with our 2040 strategy.
Heather is interested in contacting like-minded academic researchers for future collaboration.
Contact details:
Dr Heather May Morgan’s Profile
Reference: Conference Abstract
Aina, TO., Kinkaid, V., Inverarity, M., Ojewola, T & Morgan, HM (2021), Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) education – a collaborative approach toFuture Learn Course Development for medics and multisector practitioners. GASOC Conference 2021: The Story of GlobalSurgery Past, Present and Future.
Please see further info about FGM, https://www.abdn.ac.uk/news/15744/

Friday Mar 24, 2023

Meet Australian Professor Arnold Pears who left in the late 1990s for Europe, and Sweden. His home is in Uppsala where he lives with his family. He is the Head of the Department of Learning in Engineering Sciences at Stockholm’s KTH Royal Institute of Technology or "Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan".
In this conversation Prof Pears shares his thoughts about his work in Sweden, he shares his concerns about the future lack of STEM teachers in Sweden and ways Higher Education can create opportunities for students to enrol in STEM subjects. He shares his thoughts about AI & Chat GPT and the staggering cost in electricity that 'no one' is talking about.
A. Pears, M. Tedre, T. Valtonen and H. Vartiainen, (2021) "What Makes Computational Thinking so Troublesome?,"  2021 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), Lincoln, NE, USA, 2021, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/FIE49875.2021.9637416.
Hartell, E., Kozma, C., Pears, A. (2022)K-ULF A Collaborative, Practitioner Research Model between School and Academia: Lessons learned In: Gill, D., Tuff, J., Kennedy, T.,Pendergast, S. & Jamil, S. (ed.), Designing a better world through technological literacy for all. : Proceedings for PATT39. (pp. 122-133). St. John's, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada: Faculty of Education, Memorial University, Canada
Teaching machine learning in K–12 classroom: Pedagogical and technological trajectories for artificial intelligence education
Matti Tedre, Tapani Toivonen, Juho Kahila, Henriikka Vartiainen, Teemu Valtonen, Ilkka Jormanainen, Arnold Pears (2021)
IEEE Access 9, 110558-110572
Designing computer science competency statements: A process and curriculum model for the 21st century
Alison Clear, Tony Clear, Abhijat Vichare, Thea Charles, Stephen Frezza, Mirela Gutica, Barry Lunt, Francesco Maiorana, Arnold Pears, Francois Pitt, Charles Riedesel, Justyna Szynkiewicz (2020) - Proceedings of the Working Group Reports on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education 211-246

Monday Feb 27, 2023

In this episode of Sånt är livet i Sverige (or That's Life in Sweden) meet recently retired and former CQUniversity Vice-President (Academic) Professor Helen Huntly OAM. 
Professor Huntly was with CQUniversity for more than 30 years. She took up her appointment as Provost in late 2016, following her appointment as Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Industry, Vocational Training & Access Education) in 2015. Professor Huntly assumed the role of Vice-President (Academic) after a university restructure in 2020.
Professor Huntly contributed to the broader education agenda through many roles, including as Dean, School of Education & the Arts, various senior management roles within Higher Education, and prior to that, as teacher in the vocational and secondary education sectors. As a proud (former) teacher, Professor Huntly recognises the importance of high quality, engaging and reflective learning and teaching practices at all levels of education.
Throughout her career, Professor Huntly has developed a deep understanding and knowledge of education and training. She is a strong advocate for the provision of learning opportunities for all, particularly in the regions, to help students reach their full potential and contribute to their local communities.
In 2017, Professor Huntly was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) for her services to tertiary education in Central Queensland. Her qualifications include a Doctor of Education (CQUniversity 2004), Master of Education Studies (CQUniversity 1999), Bachelor of Education (BCAE1980), and a Diploma of Teaching Health & Physical Education (KGCAE 1980).

Thursday Feb 16, 2023

In this episode of Sånt är Livet i Sverige or That's Life in Sweden hear Prof Nita Temmerman an International Higher Education Consultant, sharing openly a fascinating background and experiences as Pro Vice-Chancellor Academic Quality, Pro Vice-Chancellor Partnerships, Executive Dean Faculty of Education, and a Head of School in the higher education sector in 3 Australian States. 
Nita is also a sought-after consultant supporting Higher Education Institutions worldwide including, Australia, PNG, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand, Solomon Islands, Iraq, Canada, and Japan. Her areas of expertise relate to strategic planning, quality assurance, policy development and review, curriculum design, accreditation, and evaluation experience.  
LinkedIn Contact: linkedin.com/in/nita-temmerman-phd-47a353aa
See University World News for a selection of fabulous and interesting short articles by Nita Temmerman - https://www.universityworldnews.com/fullsearch.php?mode=search&writer=Nita+Temmerman
Specifically Check out - Workplace Culture Makeover - The search for shared values (28 May 2022).  https://www.universityworldnews.com/post.php?story=20220524150856828

Thursday Feb 02, 2023

Meet Dr Amudha Poobalan, Senior Lecturer in Public Health based at the School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition at the University of Aberdeena Principal. She is also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA), UK; Country Director of International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association (HETL), New York, USA; and Senior Editor of Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education (JARHE). She received her Medical degree from Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore in India.
Amudha is involved in research collaborations nationally and internationally with India, Singapore, Australia, Nigeria, Kenya, Bangladesh and Nepal working with Medical schools, Universities, NGOs, Government and Private Research Foundations.
A truly fascinating academic whose research is around the epidemiology of Obesity, Diabetes and Cancer, with an interest in the lifestyle and health behaviour changes and its implications during ‘TRANSITIONS’ such as from adolescence to young adults; economic, demographic and cultural shifts in transitioning countries; and rural to urban transitions.
Contact Amudha, linkedin.com/in/amudha-poobalan-5a816ba3
Berry, E., Aucott, L. & Poobalan, A. Are young adults appreciating the health promotion messages on diet and exercise?. J Public Health (Berl.) 26, 687–696 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10389-018-0905-9
Young IE, Poobalan A, Steinbeck K, O'Connor HT, Parker HM. Distribution of energy intake across the day and weight loss: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obes Rev. 2022 Dec 18:e13537. doi: 10.1111/obr.13537. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36530130.

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