SÅNT ÄR LIVET i Sverige!

Jag heter Liisa Uusimaki och Podden handlar om samtal om livets utmaningar i Sverige, inom olika områden, som utbildning, skolan, vården, kultur och ja, en hel del annat. In English, this podcast ‘Sånt är livet in Sweden!, roughly translated into English is ‘That‘s Life in Sweden!‘. The podcast is about conversations with different individuals reflections and experiences working, or studying in different areas e.g., education, health care, business, community etc. Both Swedish and English episodes are presented.

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Sånt är livet i Sverige! (or That's life in Sweden)

Welcome to this podcast exploring life as an educator, teacher, researcher, author, mentor, supervisor, and postgraduate not only in Sweden but also internationally.  The individuals invited to these conversations are experts from different areas in public or private life, e.g. government, education, health care, business, or community and share a passion, commitment, and love for their work that make each episode truly a unique listening experience. Enjoy. 


Saturday Jan 14, 2023

Meet Professor Abhilasha Singh she is a Country Director for IHETL and Vice- President of Academic Affairs at the American University in the Emirates, Dubai. With a distinguished career, Abhilasha has served in many academic administrative positions at various institutions and has been engaged in providing strategic directives at a senior leadership level. Hear her talk about how to meet the challenges relating to Women in leadership in Higher Education, Ageism in Higher Education, AND the role of Higher Education in relation to the ESD Goals.
Singh, A. (2019). Degendered leadership in the UAE: breaking the glass ceiling. International journal of educational management, 33(6), p.1185-1197
Singh, A. (2020). Association between organizational norms and employee productivity in higher education. Journal of applied research in higher education, 12(2), p.271-295

Friday Jan 06, 2023

In this episode meet Dr Birgit Schreiber, the Vice President of the International Association of Student Affairs and Services (IASAS). She has served in senior leadership positions in Universities in South Africa for the past 25 years and has presented papers and key notes at national and international conferences at universities in Europe and the USA. Her publications relate to social justice, student affairs, student engagement and higher education policy. Hear her talk about her research and about the importance of promoting the adoption of the SDGs in higher education, internationalisation, inclusion, and much more.  
About Birgit see
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-birgit-schreiber-b9a19532/

Thursday Dec 22, 2022

This is the second episode we meet Patrick Blessinger, Director, and founder of the International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association or HETL. 
In the second episode, hear Patrick Blessinger Director and Chief Scientist HETL discuss Democratization in Higher Education, equity, equality, inclusion, and SDG’s Goals.
According to Swedish research, democracy is in decline and 70 percent of the world’s population is living under autocracy (Lindberg, 2022), this was the catalyst for Blessinger to write a short article with colleagues titled, SDGs for a more democratic world, the article will be published January 2023 in University world News.
Patrick Blessinger, Abhilasha Singh, Amudha Poobalan, and Sarwat Nauman  (22 October 2022). Our future demands critical and creative thinking skills. https://www.universityworldnews.com/post.php?story=20221019140828579
Patrick Blessinger, Fareeda Khodabocus, Mirela Panait, and Beena Giridharan (2023) SDGs for a more democratic world. Available January 2023.
Website to Swedish V-dem Project and Prof Staffan Lindberg
Patrick Blessinger
Editor-In-Chief, JARHE​
Follow my LinkedIn Page​
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Subscribe to: Learning Futures
Contributing Writer, University World News
Director and Chief Scientist, HETL Association

Sunday Dec 18, 2022

In this episode we meet Patrick Blessinger, Director, Chief Scientist and founder of the International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association or HETL, this will be the first of two episodes.
In this first episode, Patrick will share the background to HETL, his time as a Fulbright Scholar in Denmark, his work as a K-12 Teacher in the Bronx, and as a Lecturer at both St John’s University in Queens, New York, and State University New York. He will also share his thoughts about Sustainable Internationalisation and Globalisation as well as about AI’s latest innovation ChatGPS.
Patrick Blessinger, Abhilasha Singh, Amudha Poobalan, and Sarwat Nauman  (22 October 2022). Our future demands critical and creative thinking skills. https://www.universityworldnews.com/post.php?story=20221019140828579
Patrick Blessinger, Fareeda Khodabocus, Mirela Panait, and Beena Giridharan (2023) SDGs for a more democratic world. Available January 2023.
Contact: Dr. Patrick Blessinger https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrickblessinger/
Editor-In-Chief, JARHE​
​Follow my LinkedIn Page​
Follow my Facebook Page
Subscribe to: Learning Futures
Contributing Writer, University World News
Director and Chief Scientist, HETL Association

Saturday Dec 10, 2022

Hanna Teräs has an important role in the European EduSTA project as the expert on development of Micro Credentials.  She has a special interest in digitalization and she is the Principal Lecturer (Digital learning environments) at the School of Professional Teacher Education at Tampere University of Applied Sciences and has a broad background and special interest in authentic learning, adult and professional education, and especially the digitalization of education. She also has experience working at Murdoch and Curtin Universities, in Western Australia.

Thursday Dec 01, 2022

In this Episode, meet Isabella Lövin, former Swedish Deputy Prime Minister, co-leader of the Swedish Green Party - Miljöpartiet and Prize-winning Journalist.  It is a privilege to hear Isabella talk about her experiences as a Senior Minister in the Swedish Government, and about the way we are, and have been manipulated by major companies making climate change as an individual responsibility rather than the responsibility of politicians. We talk about her brilliant book titled, Ocean Känslan or in English Oceanic Feeling where she provides solutions, and hard facts that cannot be disputed. DO ENJOY, SHARE, DEBATE AND KEEP SAFE    

Friday Nov 04, 2022

In this episode, Professor Bethanie Carney Almroth from the Dept. of Biological and Environmental Sciences at the University of Gothenburg shares her thoughts about sustainable development. She shares her research on the effects and consequences of environmental pollution in the marine environment, and about the effects of pollutants in aquatic environments, focusing on microplastic particles, chemicals, and effects on fish.
Carney Almroth, B. et al. (2022) A global plastic treaty must cap production, Web of Science.
DOI: 10.1126/SCIENCE.ABQ0082

Wednesday Oct 19, 2022

In this episode of Sånt är livet I Sverige or That’s life in Sweden! I have invited Sanna Ruhalahti a Finnish Teacher Educator and senior designer of Open Digital Badges in a European project titled “Academy for Sustainable Future Educators” (EduSTA), to the program. Sanna shares her thoughts about future teacher skills, international collaboration, and the importance of digitalization. She also shares her thoughts about the war in Ukraine and its impact on students.
Sanna Ruhalahti
Ruhalahti, S., Niinimäki, J., &  A-M Korhonen (2021) Finnish Vocational Teachers' Competences Made Visible by Open Badges. Journal of Higher Education Theory & Practice 20 (6)
Tran, T. T., Ruhalahti, S. & Korhonen, A-M. (2021) Soft Skills in Edu 4.0: Lessons Learnt in Hue Industrial College. Journal of Technical Education Science, 2021:2, s. 28 - 37.
Brauer, S., Ruhalahti, S., Hallikainen, V., (2018). Digital professional learning: triggers in an online badge-driven process. Education in the North, 25(1-2), pp. 64-86.

Saturday Sep 03, 2022

In this episode we meet Professor Braden Hill who is a Nyungar (Wardandi) man from the southwest of Western Australia and who is the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students, Equity and Indigenous) at Edith Cowan University in Perth, Western Australia.
Hear Braden talk about and explaining diversity, equity, inclusion, racism, the reason for the acknowledgment of country, the Uluru statement of the heart, reconciliation and much more.
This is a must-hear for leaders, educators, students, interested individuals absolutely everywhere. Please share widely, discuss, and debate with each other. 
Braden's profile linkedin.com/in/braden-hill-30311a38

Wednesday Aug 10, 2022

In today’s episode of Sånt är livet i Sverige or Thats life in Sweden recorded during my visit to Australia I am speaking with Professor Kylie Readman about her special interest areas, equity, and student and staff wellbeing in Australia.
Kylie is the current Pro Vice chancellor of Education & Equity at Murdoch University in Perth WA and will be taking up the position as Deputy Vice Chancellor at Sydney Technology University’s Education and Students in November.
Hill, A., Readman, K. and Strampel, K. (2021) Curriculum frameworks. In: Hunt, L. and Chalmers, D., (eds.) University Teaching in Focus. Routledge as part of the Taylor and Francis Group, pp. 53-80.
To learn more about Kylie Readman see her profile on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/kylie-readman-290b6760/?originalSubdomain=au
Please feel free to share widely, discuss, debate and reflect with your colleagues.

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