SÅNT ÄR LIVET i Sverige!
Jag heter Liisa Uusimaki och Podden handlar om samtal om livets utmaningar i Sverige, inom olika områden, som utbildning, skolan, vården, kultur och ja, en hel del annat. In English, this podcast ‘Sånt är livet in Sweden!, roughly translated into English is ‘That‘s Life in Sweden!‘. The podcast is about conversations with different individuals reflections and experiences working, or studying in different areas e.g., education, health care, business, community etc. Both Swedish and English episodes are presented.
Sånt är livet i Sverige! (or That's life in Sweden)
Welcome to this podcast exploring life as an educator, teacher, researcher, author, mentor, supervisor, and postgraduate not only in Sweden but also internationally. The individuals invited to these conversations are experts from different areas in public or private life, e.g. government, education, health care, business, or community and share a passion, commitment, and love for their work that make each episode truly a unique listening experience. Enjoy.
Saturday Jun 25, 2022
Saturday Jun 25, 2022
In this episode of Sånt är livet i Sverige! or That's Life in Sweden! and recorded in Melbourne, Australia, I am speaking with and world renown Educator, Researcher & Author Professor John Hattie, especially well known as the author of the highly influential 2008 book Visible Learning.
Prof Hattie shares his thoughts about his work as chair of Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership, teacher education programs, provides some truths about PISA results comparing Australia to Sweden and the real impact of the pandemic on student learning.
This is a conversation that needs to be HEARD, SHARED & DISCUSSED - PLEASE SHARE WIDELY
More about John Hattie,
John Hattie (aitsl.edu.au)
John Hattie - VISIBLE LEARNING (visible-learning.org)
Saturday Jun 11, 2022
Saturday Jun 11, 2022
In this episode Professor Pasi Sahlberg, former Director General at the Finland’s Ministry of Education and Culture (CIMO), who also served as a senior education specialist at the World Bank (Washington, DC), lead education specialist at the European Training Foundation (Torino, Italy), and visiting professor of Practice at Harvard University.
Pasi, will share his thoughts about the purpose of schooling and about the education system in Australia, which is "world class but not for all children".
Pasi is currently calling Australia Home as he is Professor of Education at Southern Cross University in Lismore, NSW, and lives in Lennox Head, NSW, with his wife and two sons.
For a complete bio of Professor Pasi Sahlberg's amazing achievements please visit his webpage https://pasisahlberg.com/
Please share widely and ENJOY!
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
In this episode of Sånt är livet i Sverige or That's life in Sweden we are continuing to meet academics and researchers from Melbourne Australia where I am a visiting scholar. Today I am speaking with Associate Professor Therese Keane who is sharing about her fascinating and incredible her journey as an ICT teacher, academic and researcher. Her areas of speciality include, ICT, robotics in education and gender inequalities in STEM based subjects.
Therese welcomes questions about her work from overseas teachers, researchers and has provided her contact details: linkedin.com/in/therese-keane-melbourne
Project that was mentioned – Primary and STEM - https://primaryandstem.online/
(Acknowledgement STINT.se)
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Today's episode is recorded in Melbourne, Australia and it is about understanding the role of a Learning Designer in Higher Education.
I have invited Natasha Hobbs who is an experienced Learning Designer and Higher Education practitioner from The Learning Transformations unit, at Swinburne University of Technology. Natasha has particular interest in digital pedagogies and transformative learning experiences.
Of special importance is the respectful acknowledgement of country and the inclusion of Australian indigenous people provided by Natasha-
During the podcast Natasha mentioned Swinburne’s dedicated page on the Adobe Education Exchange that is continually updated with shareable resources created by Swinburne recipients of the Adobe Innovation Grants. These resources can also be accessed on Swinburne’s Digital Literacies Hub.
The series of short podcasts Natasha and her colleagues produced during 2020 called Talking About Teaching can be accessed through Swinburne Commons.
STINT.se (The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education)
Saturday Apr 09, 2022
Saturday Apr 09, 2022
In this episode of Sånt är livet i Sverige! or That's life in Sweden recorded in Australia exploring the scholarship of Teaching and Learning and brilliant Australian colleagues such as today's guest Noella Mackenzie. Noella is an Independent Education Consultant, a Senior Fellow of the Australian Literacy Educators' (ALEA), and Adjunct Associate Professor in the School of Education at Charles Sturt University, NSW, Australia. She is passionate about teaching and in particular early literacy development. Noella’s research focuses on literacy teaching and learning and in particular writing acquisition.
In this episode Noella will share her research and journey from classroom teacher to an independent education consultant, She has a fabulous website https://noellamackenzie.com/ with excellent & FREE resources. Thank you for sharing this fabulous conversation.
Daffern, T., Mackenzie, N.M. (2020), The challenges of learning and teaching English spelling: Insights from eight Australian students and their teachers. Literacy, 54(3), 99-110.
Mackenzie, N. M. (2007). Teacher morale: More complex than we think? Australian Educational Researcher, 34(1), 89-104
I acknowledge STINT (Stiftelsen för internationalisering av högre utbildning och forskning, Sverige, 2022)
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
In this episode of I am in Australia as part of a STINT grant application catching up with interesting individuals and scholars such as Professor Susie Garvis. Susie will be sharing about balancing parenthood with the demands of her work as an international researcher & Department Chair at the School of Education at Swinburne University of Technology, in Melbourne Australia.
Susie has extensive research, teaching and leadership experience in early childhood and teacher education in higher education in Australia and Sweden. She has previously been a Professor at the University of Gothenburg and a guest professor at Stockholm University (Sweden).
Garvis, S. (2018). Digital Narratives and Young Children (Chapter 12)S.J. Danby et al. (eds.), Digital Childhoods, International Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Development 22, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-6484-5_12
(Stiftelsen för internationalisering av högre utbildning och forskning, Sverige (STINT 2021))
Sunday Feb 13, 2022
Sunday Feb 13, 2022
In today’s English episode of Sånt Är Livet i Sverige or That's Life in Sweden I have invited Mia Smith who is the Chair of Språklärarnas Riksförbund and the 2020 recipient of the prestigious Teaching Excellence Award from The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities or as it is called in Swedish Vitterhetskademien. The award relates to Mia's work as a Head Teacher at a school in Gothenburg. The onset of Covid19 in 2020 meant that she missed out being personally presented with this prestigious award by His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf.
Please share this important conversation.
Språklärarnas Riksförbund https://spraklararna.se
Friday Feb 11, 2022
Friday Feb 11, 2022
I denna Svenska episode av Sånt Är Livet i Sverige träffar vi återigen Desiree Arksund (via mobilen) som till grunden är lärare och Special Pedagog med erfarenheter från skolor i förorten. I dag jobbar Desiree som 'ny' Rektor på en Förskola och delar med oss om utmaningar i denna nya roll och om hennes master uppsats som handlar om hur Rektorer i förskolan organiserar för likvärdig utbildning. Samtalet tar också upp hur man ska tänka kring att bemöta vilseledande eller 'Fake New' - DELA. (This Episode is in Swedish)
Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
In this episode of Sånt är livet i Sverige of That's Life in Sweden, Karin Hellman shares her reasons about leaving a successful career as a project manager for one of the leading Event Management companies in Sweden to that of University Study in Stockholm, Sweden. A must hear about Karin's challenges as a Career Changers returning to formal study and especially after years of an intense dislike of maths to finding it FUN!!.
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
The amazing journey of Olli Vallo (Musician/Composer). Hear his journey from, assistant teacher, to Master of Teaching, current PhD student, to CEO and Co-founder of Education Alliance Finland. https://educationalliancefinland.com/
Minttu & Olli - Corduroy Boy (by Olli Vallo, 2013) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HimCKQASzTY