SÅNT ÄR LIVET i Sverige!

Jag heter Liisa Uusimaki och Podden handlar om samtal om livets utmaningar i Sverige, inom olika områden, som utbildning, skolan, vården, kultur och ja, en hel del annat. In English, this podcast ‘Sånt är livet in Sweden!, roughly translated into English is ‘That‘s Life in Sweden!‘. The podcast is about conversations with different individuals reflections and experiences working, or studying in different areas e.g., education, health care, business, community etc. Both Swedish and English episodes are presented.

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Sånt är livet i Sverige! (or That's life in Sweden)

Welcome to this podcast exploring life as an educator, teacher, researcher, author, mentor, supervisor, and postgraduate not only in Sweden but also internationally.  The individuals invited to these conversations are experts from different areas in public or private life, e.g. government, education, health care, business, or community and share a passion, commitment, and love for their work that make each episode truly a unique listening experience. Enjoy. 


Sunday Jan 02, 2022

Jessica Svärd är en Ultralöpare och diplomerad coach som ger råd och tips hur man kan tänka om att börja springa för att må bra oavsett ålder. Hon erbjuder grupp eller individuell coaching för individer intresserade i att stärka det egna välmående oavsett av ålder.
Mer information:
Email: jessica.m.svard @gmail.com

Friday Dec 10, 2021

In this English episode of Sånt är livet i Sverige or That's life in Sweden Marika Andersson talks about working as a High-School Principal at a High-School Lövgärdet situated in a segregated area (Angered) in Göteborg, Sweden. The area is known for its high concentration of ethnic minorities, high unemployment, as well as problems with gangs and criminal activity. Despite couple of horrendous incidents such as an unsolved murder case of a teacher in 2017, and in 2020 a teacher was kidnapped (later released), the school, under Marika's leadership is experiencing an upward trend both in positive student learning outcomes and teacher retention. 

Saturday Nov 06, 2021

I denna episod av Sånt är livet i Sverige ! delar Marika Andersson, Rektor på Lövgärdeskolan i Angered hennes reflektioner om hur dagens skola måste 'tänkas om' (via mobilen)
Marika tar också upp vikten av etisk ledarskap som handlar om ansvar, autenticitet och närvaro och som i sin tur skapar tillit, förtroende och positiva relationer med skolans lärare, elever och deras vårdnadshavare. 
(An English version of the podcast conversation with Marika Andersson will be forthcoming). 

Saturday Oct 16, 2021

In this English episode of Sånt är livet i Sverige! or That's life in Sweden! We meet Australian Entrepreneur Natalia Josephs a former Musician, International Model, and Author who shares her thoughts about the relevance or irrelevance of Etiquette, Manners, and Dress code in today's Globally connected world.   
Learn the rules of your social groups so you can interact effectively but remember these are man made rules and may not apply to everyone. Real social intelligence applies to all humans everywhere - kindness and compassion go beyond physical attributes or social identifiers (Natalia 2021, https://www.impowrd.com.au/ )

Sunday Oct 10, 2021

In this English version of That's life in Sweden! or Sånt är livet i Sverige, Visiting Italian researcher and educator Barbara Gross PhD from the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, shares her thoughts about differences between the Swedish Education to that of Italy and her passion for languages. 

Sunday Sep 26, 2021

In this English episode Maija Uusimaki shares her thoughts and experience working in the age care sector during the pandemic in Sweden

Tuesday Sep 21, 2021

In this English episode of Sånt är livet i Sverige or That's life in Sweden, Martin Jordö will discuss feminism in Sweden.

Sunday Aug 29, 2021

Podden Sånt är livet i Sverige handlar denna gången om pandemins påverkan på de äldre i vårt samhälle med Gun Lilly Karlsson (90 år) som själv upplevt Covid-19 sjukdomen. 
Hon var  mycket aktiv inom politiken främst i Göteborg bland annat satt hon i Regionen, var ordförande i pensionsförening och ersättare i Göteborgs Fullmäktige. Guns intresse för politiken håller hon till liv genom att vara samhällengagerad och lyssnar på radio regelbundet. Hennes intresse i musik och fortfarande spelar piano och bjuder på ett par toner via mobilen.

Wednesday Aug 11, 2021

Swedish Professor Ingmar Skoog is internationally renowned for his research into aging and health. His research shows that today's 70-year-olds in Sweden are as healthy or healthier than when they were fifty and that their attitudes to life are like when they were twenty. He is known for participating as an expert in a highly popular 6-week TV-show where elderly in a nursing home meets 4-year-old and the resulting positive effects. The program was recorded before the pandemic and has been shown in Sweden, the UK, Australia, the Netherlands, and other European countries. 

Friday Jul 23, 2021

Lena Jacobsson delar hennes tankar om pandemins påverkan på hennes arbete som undersköterska på sjukhus.

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